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Building Stronger Communities through Christ

With your help, 2024 will be an incredible year.

Thanks to a few generous Zoe Ministries supporters, we have a $100,000 matching fund to serve the most vulnerable women, children, and communities in Kenya. Right now, you can give with double the impact in meeting two of the world’s biggest needs --- the need for orphaned children to be in families and the need for communities to have clean water accessibility.

Together, we can bring the hope of Christ to more women, children, and communities than ever before.

Family is the Only Thing that will End the Orphan Crisis

Every child should have access to a safe and loving family. Without support, most orphaned and vulnerable children will never know the love of a family. Through proven methods of tracing, assessment, and family preparation, children are returning home to biological and foster families. We believe orphaned and vulnerable children thrive in families, not institutions. We work to rescue, restore, and reunite children safely to their families and then help equip each family to care for and love their children. 

You can help us fight for and restore the only thing that will ultimately end the orphan crisis: Family

Goal: $200,000

Your Gift Will 
• Provide direct care to orphaned and vulnerable children 
• Grow our team to care for more orphaned and vulnerable children 
• Create new empowerment methods to ensure family strengthening 
• Develop a new orphan prevention program 



Children Rescued 


Children Reunified


Children Fostered 


Families Strengthened 

The Power of “Yes!”

Florence's Story

“Losing 3 of my children at once was very painful. Carrying the burden of raising my grandchildren was quite a burden at first. I thought of abandoning them because the burden was too much because I had no help.” 

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Helping Restore Families

Teresa's Story

“May God bless Zoe and give you the heart and resources to be able to help more children like you did mine.” 

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Clean Water
Creates a Ripple

The people we serve experience immediate life changing opportunities once clean water is restored in their communities. Children no longer get sick due to dirty water. Women and young girls no longer must spend their days searching for water. Women get their lives back and can start businesses and take charge of their own lives. Girls spend less time collecting water and more time in the classroom. 

You can help us create a ripple, one community at a time. 

Goal: $200,000

Your Gift Will 
• Provide equipment, parts, and fuel to continue repairing broken boreholes 
• Grow our team to reach more communities in East Africa 
• Empower additional local pastors to share the hope of Christ to their communities 
• Provide clean water accessibility to communities who currently do not have it 



Boreholes Rehabilitated 


Estimated People Impacted


Baptisms & Professions of Faith 

God Didn’t Forget Chawoi

A Community Forever Changed

“We pray our new church in Chawoi will foster unity and change in our community and more people will come to know Christ.”

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Sharing Hope to the Lost

Pastor John's Story

“Clean water has created a platform for me to reach unreached communities with the good news of Christ.”

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When You Empower Women, You Change a Generation

This problem cannot be solved by merely giving handouts to every vulnerable woman across Kenya. True change begins with empowerment. Significant job creation helps to break the cycle of poverty for vulnerable women. 

When you empower women, you change an entire community. 

Goal: $70,000

Your Gift Will 
• Provide resources to grow our weekly widow fellowship into multiple locations 
• Empower vulnerable women throughout western Kenya through farming initiatives 
• Invest in additional vulnerable women across three counties of Kenya through beadwork and artisan training 



Widows Attending Weekly Fellowship 


Vulnerable Women in our Empowerment Programs 

Known. Loved. Worthy!

Susan's Story

“Farming has brought a big difference in my life. Last year, I didn’t farm because I didn’t have the proper knowledge. This year, my children and I have food.” 

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Today, Lydia Has Hope And Purpose

Lydia's Story

"Beadwork has given me hope. I now wake up with something to long for and it has allowed me to provide for my children.” 

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Hope for the Future

Looking to 2024

The needs of vulnerable women, children, and communities have never seemed so vast. Through it all, our commitment at Zoe Ministries will always be to equip the Body of Christ to care for the vulnerable. We cannot continue meeting needs without people like you. 

We believe in 2024 we’ll care for more women, children, and communities than ever before. We hope to continue bringing clean water to those who don’t have it. We hope to empower more women to become the best mothers they can be, and we hope to impact more orphaned and vulnerable children through showing the one thing that remains constant, family.

In 2016, the orphan stood alone as the heartbeat of the mission of Zoe. Though our model for how we care for orphans and vulnerable children has shifted, we remain steadfast in the work of caring for the most vulnerable children on the planet. We believe to do so properly, we must focus on issues that cause children to be orphaned. We must continue open heart surgery and no longer place a bandage on the global orphan crisis. 

In 2024, we will break ground on a teenage pregnancy center on our property near Kitale, Kenya. For years, our team on the ground has repeatedly seen just how bad the issue is while working in the field. Just to give you a glimpse of how substantial the issue is, in the two regions where we work, 27% of girls ages 15-19 are currently pregnant or have already given birth. That’s at least 1 in every 5 teenage girls. 

Esther’s story has a great ending, but we wish the beginning could have looked differently. At age 17, Esther learned that she was pregnant. After telling her family, she was told, “You must abort the baby.” Esther told us, “I was locked in my house by my family, and I would have to sneak to the clinic in secret.” On December 23, 2020, Esther gave birth to a little boy named Azel all alone in a local hospital. 
Weeks later, Esther was forced to give up Azel so she could go back to school. She had no option but to give him up. On January 5, 2021, Azel was placed in our Zoe baby home. Our staff loved him like their own for over 2 years. Azel thrived in our care. 

Though he was thriving in our care, we knew the end goal was to get him back home with his mother. 

After months of family tracing, meeting with Esther, and preparing Azel, Esther was reunited with Azel in March. It was the first time she’d seen him in over 2 years. Months later, Azel was placed back into full custody of his biological mother. Azel’s time at Zoe had come to an end, but we knew his best days were ahead of him! 

Our goal in 2024 is to provide a place for teenage moms where they are safe, loved, and empowered to be the best moms they can be. Each mom will be placed on site at Zoe with their newborns as they receive skilled training, counseling, mentorship, home economics, and discipleship. We pray that every teenage mom that comes into our care has her dignity restored and can provide the best life possible for her and her child.  
With your help, $70,000 from this year’s Match Campaign will go towards ensuring a better beginning for teenage moms like Esther. As we’ve seen, great movements of God always have great partnerships and generosity behind them. Will you respond to God’s call by partnering with us?

We look forward to seeing how the Lord will use Zoe Ministries in 2024!

Double Your Impact

2024 GOALS


Orphan Care


Clean Water




Total for
ministry programs

Letter from the Founder
& Executive Director

Everywhere our team serves, the needs of others can often times seem overwhelming. The number of children at risk continues to climb. Those in need of clean water only grows. The number of vulnerable women seem to multiply each year. The numbers are staggering, but our God is greater. Whether it was the young boy who donated his loaves and fishes or the widow who joyfully gave two copper coins – all she had – God has always been (and will always be) greater than any number. As our team on the ground in Kenya continues to serve the multitudes, I’ve encouraged them to never forget the one. As you read through the next few pages, I ask that you look past the large numbers and focus on the one. The one family changed forever. The one community that now knows the name Jesus. The one woman changing a generation. In everything that we do, it starts with bringing hope to one. As we close out 2023, we have our biggest giving challenge to date in front of us. To make your impact go even further, every gift given by December 31, 2023, will be matched up to $100,000! With your help, we believe this year’s match campaign will bring the HOPE of Christ to more women, children, and communities than ever before. Together, let’s celebrate what God is doing through Zoe Ministries!